Humans More Radioactive Than Potassium-rich Bananas
by Montana James
December 18 2024
December 18 2024
Last Updated by Beverly J.
January 9 2025
January 9 2025
You cannot hold your identical twin accountable for your crimes because identical twins do not share the same fingerprints. Distinct factors like rate of growth influence the development of your fingerprints. Deaf people that talk in their sleep, use sign language in their sleep giving researchers valuable insight into human dreaming. You can die laughing from suffocation or even a heart attack. The human body is radioactive containing around 16mg of potassium-40 whereas a banana, which is rich in potassium, is 280 times less radioactive than the human body.
Animals experience time differently than humans. Smaller animals experience the world around them at a slower pace compared to humans, and small creatures like lizards and frogs experience time slower than dogs and cats. The experience of time depends on the time that is required for the brain to process information. The world’s oldest dog lived to twenty-nine and one-half years, close to fifteen years longer than the average dog. The world’s oldest cat lived to thirty-eight years and three days old. A horse typically has more than one horsepower and can produce about 18,000W or about twenty-four horsepower.
The average cloud weighs about a million tons; however, the surrounding air has a higher density than your average cloud allowing them to float. A Lightning bolt is five times hotter than the surface of the sun. The tallest mountain on earth is not Mount Everest but the twin volcanoes in Hawaii, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa having 4.2km of height submerged underwater. The volcanoes are 10.2km compared to Mount Everest at 4.6km. The anechoic chamber at Microsoft, located in Redmond, Washington is the quietest place on earth at a negative -20.6 decibels. There is a planet about twice the size of earth called 55 Cancri e, which is made mostly from diamond. The planet is in the Cancer constellation, close to forty light years away.